Murals and installations

Collective artworks are a great way to bringing communities together and enhance the environment. I have been making ceramic and mosaic murals in collaboration with other artists for over 15 years. 

Projects include Ceramic murals for Princetown Primary School, Topsham, and Hawkridge Primary. 

I combine handmade ceramic elements with mosaic tesserae where participants help make the clay pieces and layout the mosaic.

Jess Carvill and myself work as 'artstormproject' working with communities and partners in Devon. Examples of mosaic murals can be seen at the Cedar unit (with Magic Carpet Charity) and for Yeo Ward courtyard garden at the RD&E Hospital as well as a tryptic for Force Support Charity in their contemplative garden. In 2015 artstormproject completed a school mosaic at Stokinteignhead Primary which involved every school child involved in the making of clay pieces and layout of the whole.

Ceramic installations have included helping Doddiscomleigh Primary school to create clay figures referencing Anthony Gormley's Field for you for their bi-annual art show.

I worked with the National Trust at Killerton House in 2014 creating 240 poppies with local Primary schools to commemorate local men on the estate who died in the first world war for an installation in the grounds of the House.

I also worked with organicARTS to create an installation of 1000 cows made by visitors and workers on West Town Farm near Exeter to celebrate a 'year in clay' using clay from the land.